
The official blog of a real a female photographer.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Traveling Again

Duty calls and I must travel to South Africa to do a photo assignment. I appreciate all of your comments and emails, so please keep them coming. Feel free to contact me to create your personal nude portfolio. Years from now you'll look at your photos and be thankful you posed nude for my lens. To hire me as your photographer for a true cfnm nude photo session, email me (click the contact link in my profile).
See you soon!

A gift for my fans(this was shot by my friend Candice with help from my friend Katarina)


At 7:28 PM, Blogger ATCFNM said...

Hey you! Long time no see/chat!
I'm amazed to see that your blog looks different than it did before... I actually like the setup better as it isn't as tough on the eyes, for me anyway...
So what's been up? I don't see you posting at Sensations anymore. Probably because it's become a "let's see who can post the most stuff" contest. I know I'm partly to blame for getting that going, but man, it's really killing my blog as well as the forum in general. Sure, there's tons more to look at, but hardly anyone posts discussions or experiences. I honestly don't have enough time these days, otherwise I'd practice what I preach.

Anyhow, I'll quit rambling, but definitely hit me up with an email sometime really soon ok? It's


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